08 February 2015

the God of the discouraged

Yes, I know what that feels like.
To be forgotten and overlooked.
My work can be seen everywhere,
wondrous and beautiful.
I weave words
in poems and stories,
hoping to make friends,
comfort the hurting,
inspire the deflated,
create peace.
I have poured out my heart
for the sake of others,
to bless—
work sprung from joy and hope.
Oh, that people would see and hear
and lay hold of it,
grow fuller and brighter!

But only a few notice.
I am hidden,
but want to be found.
I feel ready to give up.
I have spent a long time…trying.
Yes, I know.
That is how I got to be

the God of the discouraged.
Take comfort. We are few
but we are not alone.

Okay, cry.
You are not alone.
You are not forgotten.

the God of the discouraged
by troy cady

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