02 March 2021

thoughts on conflict


Some PlayFull thoughts on conflict:

Perhaps there is nothing that deflates interpersonal conflict more quickly and effectively than when just one party has the courage to say, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you forgive me?”

How hard it is for us to say such small words! It rails against every instinct we possess. Nobody wants to be wrong. Nobody wants to be thought less of because the other party sees you’re imperfect.

But, guess what? Nobody’s perfect. Rather than powering up to preserve the mere semblance of perfection, the truly playful person is able to laugh at themselves and admit their own imperfection…not only to themselves but to others, too.

What grace and freedom we experience when we swallow our pride and say, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you forgive me?”

I wonder: do you need to receive forgiveness from someone? Ask God for the courage to go to them and make amends. Live in freedom.   


thoughts on conflict

by troy cady


